HIS Spirit Lives In Me

Walk your FAITH out!


Are you Spiritually Mature?

It is so important to mature in the spirit, my Bishop said that your age does not determines that you are grown, its your level of maturity in the spirit. There have been so many times that my lack of spiritual maturity had me in so many situations, that if I would of yield to the Holy Spirit the situation would have been in my favor. When you have the attitude of a child, like you must have the last word, you must get your point across, you just must be heard. The bible declares, be ye angry and sin not; it also says to be quick to listen and slow to speak.

I believe wisdom is learned as well as taught. I have gained wisdom from several life experience that I have had. The crazy thing is that I failed at using the wisdom that I had learn. There is a saying that says insanity is doing the same thing over an over and expecting a different result. I challenge you to yield to the Holy Spirit and allow the word of God to guide you through the situation. Only a mature spirit wins the battle!! Bless you all.

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  • Feb 07, 2023
  • Category: All
  • Comment: 1
1 comment
Gustavo Rivera February 07, 2023

Love the last part: only mature spirit with the battle. So very true and rewarding to know that if you seek the Lord and do your diligence growth is inevitable. Great word!

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