What is driving your mindset? The definition of mindset is the established set of attitudes held by someone. What have you shaped your attitude with? Have you ever heard the saying “you don’t have the right mindset”? A person's actions will give you an idea of what kind of mindset they have based on their actions. What do your co-workers say about you? Do they know that you are a follower of Christ? Will they say you are a gossiper or double-minded?
A lot of times, we cannot see how our actions are perceived by others. There are a whole lot of mindsets to choose from, and yes, it is a choice. You see, not everyone has the mindset to be a doctor, a police officer, or a professional athlete. You must have a certain mindset to be successful in any of those jobs.
I want to encourage you to grab hold of the mind of Christ. When you renew your mind with the mind of Christ, you now have a spiritual blueprint. It's an amazing feeling to think like Christ does. The way you begin that process is by reading your Bible and meditating on His precious word. The mind of Christ is like a spiritual database that is filled with unlimited information, wisdom, revelation, and understanding. As powerful as Google is, I am sorry to inform you that Google does have limitations. The internet world has levels of speed, right? How fast things load, how fast things you are searching for come up. We rely on Google so much that you can literally look up just about anything and something will come up.
Reading the Word of God has levels as well. The more you grow your relationship with God, the faster you will begin to get answers. If you are reading the Bible for the first time, it's going to feel slow and awkward at first. Eventually, you will begin to desire it more and more, and the word of understanding will come to life much faster than before. The Word of God is filled with life and power. Google can never impart into you what the Word of God can impart into your life, your mindset, and your situation forever. Google is a great tool in the earth, but it has absolutely nothing on the mindset of Christ.