HIS Spirit Lives In Me

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God Will Lift It

“God Will Lift It”

I was working out when I received this thought, “God Will Lift It”. Usually I get a lot of ideas when I am working out. Working out is a stress reliever for me, I really enjoy the process of working out. I had been out the Gym for a while due to my work and also to my health, nothing major. In 2018 I was told that I have sleep apnea, you see I was not sleeping well and I was always tired. I could not figure out why I was so tired all the time. I would literally wake up to take a nap!! I immediately rebuked it and did not receive it, however the facts were I was always tired and I did not know why. My Dr. even said to me, “you do not fit the stereotype for this condition”. 

Not sure why God had me to share this, as I am writing I am motivated that God will lift it up off of me. As I stated above I had been out of the gym due to those two examples I gave you above. I did not go in the Gym expecting I could lift where I left off 8 month ago. A lot of people make that mistake and think they can lift what they used to. We serve a God that says in his word, “He will not put more on us than we can handle”. We are the ones that in most situation put too much weight and pressure on ourselves. If you could feel my heart I am shouting Glory hallelujah, because we serve a God full of Grace and Mercy and he is always in position to SPOT us. Thank you father!!!!

So in closing I want to encourage you if you have found yourself in a position of hopelessness, doubt, suicidal thoughts, drug addiction, sexual sins, or whatever your weight of choice was. God is ready to LIFT it for you, just repent and call on the name of the Lord!!!  Read the story of Peter when he was walking on water Matt 14:22-33. Notice how Peter allow the weight of distraction to weigh him down. But God immediately reached out and helped him!!!! 

  • Jan 10, 2021
  • Category: All
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